Monday 4 June 2018

JavaScript and database with QuizQuestions

In this post I would like to explain how to prepare container for questions in javaScript.
The main purpose of creating container similar to the database is to store the data, and display the data to the user - in this particular example it means that we need a container to store the questions of the quiz application.

The container is declared as constant and it contains desired data. Thanks by the vast posibilities of javaScript, we can specify which answer is correct, then use a script to compare correctAnswer with userInput.
Note that questions are strings data type and they have to be included between double-quote symbols, to show to the javaScript interpreter the type of the data.
const myQuestions = [
    question: "Who is the strongest?",
    answers: {
      a: "Superman",
      b: "The Terminator",
      c: "Waluigi, obviously"
    correctAnswer: "c"
    question: "What is the best site ever created?",
    answers: {
      a: "SitePoint",
      b: "Simple Steps Code",
      c: "Trick question; they're both the best"
    correctAnswer: "c"
    question: "Where is Waldo really?",
    answers: {
      a: "Antarctica",
      b: "Exploring the Pacific Ocean",
      c: "Sitting in a tree",
      d: "Minding his own business, so stop asking"
    correctAnswer: "d"
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1 comment:

  1. It's good to see posts being added to your blog now, but with such a gap it doesn't show great consistent use over the last couple of weeks. However you are showing a good level of progress and technical vocabulary.
